Special: Christ, the Father’s Gift

Special: Christ, the Father’s Gift

<“Special Speaker: Ben Foster

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A Sermon by one of our church leaders BEN FOSTER from Lander, Wyoming

“Christ the Father’s gift”

Isaiah 56:1-8
John 6

1. The light of Gods love behind to dawn. John 6:1-3, mark 6:30

2. The compassionate love of the Father abounds in our daily bread
Matt. 14:14, mark 6:34, like 9:11, John 6:4-13

3. The great misunderstanding of Gods love. John 6:14-15

4. Receiving Gods present
John 6:16-65
John 1:11, John 6:29

5. The sin of sins
Luke 20:9-18, Hebrews 10:28-31, exodus, 12:43-51, acts 2:34-35, Romans 9-11,

6. The most important question. John 6:37,39,40

The five big things God wants us to know!

1. God is still in control
2. The Father always gives good gifts, He’s a giver!
3. The Father gives a certain number to His Son.
4. All the Father gives will come!
5. I will in no wise cast out!